Iran 2015


I drove a little farther along the coast and started a little regret, that pushed in these areas. The weather was miserable, the sea itself available, architecture grotty, landscapes cool, but because I set the effect “wow great” I was a little disappointed with. I looked at the map and I remembered Masuleh, village, of which read, it looks “like a postcard”. Dodatkowo wiodła tam jakaś biała droga przez góry.

It became cool drove through several villages completely uninteresting, and then I drove to the mountains. A rather large cloud. visibility minimum, even the local drivers drove very carefully, still, They were also users of motorcycles, who in such conditions they rode with a passenger, without helmets and lights.


Of course, everything has its end, after crossing the first mountain ranges they run out of the clouds and the sun came out. Okazało się, that is really Re-beauti-not.

Even more fun was when I started to approach the clouds, which drenched the nearby peaks. With the clouds gone some local Cossack without a helmet, but with passenger, so I do not expect anything stressful.

I drove up in the cloud…. This particular piece was under construction, so in addition to fear, that I get lost, I fall into the abyss, they enter the car without lights got engaged to themselves enter into a hopper or excavator. The speed dropped to 10 kilometers per hour, I have stayed too encountered each car to make sure, I was going in the right direction. After an hour I was on the spot. Actually, very nicely.

I was left with just finding a cheap hotel, I was doing what at first reluctantly, He made a set of nasty parkingówkę, Rain still falling, someone wanted me to stretch parking and sleeping in a wooden shack without inserted doors and windows, and finally he rescued me from the oppression Khabib.

Khabib to biznesmen, permanently living in Dubai, Iran is back on vacation, which spends with his friends and his brother. They drive a car where their soul and bear having fun. I met them a few hours earlier at a standstill in the mountains. Now we bumped into each other a second time.

Po pierwsze, I understood how much has it cost me parking and overnight in that shack of wood – immediately thanked. Po drugie, My colleague explained to the soldier at the gatehouse what I was not him able to lay out for what was dismissed in empty-handed. Namely, motorcycle is in front of their window, and I will return in the evening after things and crash somewhere tent. When they heard the same thing in Persian, immediately they agreed, even they pointed me where I got this tent smash.

The town itself is so Zakopane. Full of grub pubs and souvenir shops. An additional attraction was me – people did me pictures, or simply, They did take pictures with me. Food smelled so, they just ate two lunches, in two different pubs, nakupowałem souvenirs home and talked with the son of the owner of one of the pubs.

W Masuleh, if someone does not eat, or do not buy any souvenirs you will definitely make a picture.


Overnight indicated by a soldier (and perhaps policeman) was on the restaurant's terrace. Someone deleted the service of my stay, I had a long time to bargain to pay a little less than the entire Persian family. Po prostu, this place, in the evening, the eatery would turn the camp is open to 10 następnego dnia.

Miałem też sposobność odbyć trochę krępującą rozmowę o polskich kobietach. Is easy, or nice, and if at all, This I do not know any girls, that she wanted to marry a small fee. Despite, that patiently explained the procedure, and it, that in total, for anyone outside the Schengen zone it is not that easy my interlocutor was getting more insistent. The conversation had long since lost its meaning, but I did not dare myself to finish it. Probably because, the same day that, someone on the street, in response to this, I'm from Polish shouted my face

– Your country has refused a visa

When finally exhausted curiosity accosted me two students. They were swoi people – motorcyclists. two, completely unprepared (in terms of, without any accessories) 250 They jumped out of their city to ride over the weekend in the mountains. They traveled only gravel, packed in a backpack, which contained: tent, two blankets, mannose, fork, razor gas, kettle for tea. And a helmet.

Slowly I got used to drinking tea. I drank several liters per day, talking about different things. Sometimes my new friends spoke excellent English, sometimes barely knew a few words. They always had for tea, kettle, from a thermos, z samowaru. They were always very friendly.



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