Iran 2015

Three checks visa 24 hours

I woke up on the central square of the tiny town. I scrambled out of the tent and began to eat my leftover inventory at breakfast. Slowly they gathered around me more and more people. He was the head of the firefighters, He was an English teacher, he was also a local superman – so to me it shows, as well as driver and passenger a passing truck. I ate the day before receipt of fruit and vegetables and bread, I drank water from camelbaga and so-so talked about cultural differences, my trip and motorcycles. For the moment I got from someone tea, Persian rosary, performing the same function as Catholic. Because the square was also a police station also came up with undercover agents to see my visa. They were very kind, they took a photo of a visa and wish you a pleasant stay.


The day began sluggishly, Finally, I was refreshed and rested. Additionally, I shower available, which was my savior. My body has not adapted yet to temperatures above 40 degrees and continuous walking in long pants, which is a requirement for tourists traveling in Iran. Over the last few days I have been driving like a real bey, fasten any where, after a few hours, so eagerly I used the occasions, to again, for a while, przeistoczyć się w człowieka.

Previous day spent on family picnics by the lake, you have chosen a goal hostel. Pojadłem baked potatoes from the fire, vegetables and bread, I drank tea. Still I got a packed breakfast, which was so much fun, that from the border to the place I have not seen any pub or, or even the grocery store.

Persians love picnics. Whenever they can pack up the car with all Majdan and move somewhere nice place to sit at the end of a family. If they can not, pop out on the lawn in front of the block in. Even in the green belt separating two lanes. As long as it was green and was Shadow.


To fully happiness is missing only swimming in the lake. Niestety, It was impossible, it's just beautiful marsh. You can enter it, but rather only once.


People, which I met there turned out to be simply a delight, still, before nightfall they had to say goodbye. Fatigue gave itself felt – after a while already slept.

Woke me growling over the ear. Any dumb animal bared fangs straight over my ear. Imagination began to rage, So I jumped out of the tent. pet fled, but it looked miserably. Apart from me, there was no one. I really wanted to get some sleep so I decided to move closer to the people, so I found a random hut, in the backyard, where someone was sitting and I tried to get accommodation in the vicinity. The hosts could not understand what I mean, So they chose a phone number, phone-friend helped us to get along, and even two guys decided to help me move maidan.

When we packed lumber into their car stopped a white pickup without markings. He got out of his civilian and demanded documents. In the back sat a guy in a military shirt without insignia, and next to it lay a Kalashnikov. The hosts again chose a number and the handset heard, not to worry it's just a routine check of documents. Unfortunately, the result was prikaz transfer accommodation to the park located in the nearest city. All my stuff landed in the back of pickup and I had to go after him. The car drove off into the night, I said goodbye to the hosts and went without much conviction behind the white vehicle. In my head I had one thought:

– OK, or just I ran into great shit?

Użerałem once a fake policeman in Kyrgyzstan for two hours – however, it was the day, I was with someone in the yard and the guy was drunk type, which would quite easily pacified. Dwóch trzeźwych z karabinem wydawało się być znacznie większą przeszkodą.

The driver signaled left turn onto the main road, and I wondered, if not bounce to the right and do not give a long. well I have done, that endured pressure – they were policemen, although I have not seen any of their documents. They marched me to the square, They chose a number where someone confirmed to me, it will be ok. In addition to loud kids played on the playground

– Do not worry, midnight will go to sleep

Dowiedziałem się też, that I should always seek accommodation at a police station, you will definitely be safe and you did not die. Contrary to appearances, it's good advice, I used it in various ways in the next few days. The police were always nice to me and do not create any problems.

With this situation, I gained the first phone-friend or the man, which left me his phone number and declared willingness to translate any problems.


I left my square and Ahar got to where I was going to buy a SIM card with Internet. I came to the first and last unpleasant Persa. Ten burak najpierw w ogóle nie chciał mi sprzedać karty, in total, to release me it forced him other people, who they saw as treats me started yelling at him. In addition to the signature he took my fingerprint. Since I do not speak English do not have another way of biting at him pointedly told “Thank you” to each his blunt lick. In the end he gave me a card, but closed its shop, probably just, I could not in his air-conditioned room to try to start it.

Outside, he gathered the whole team of people trying to help me, until finally someone invited me to the office of the city, where an English teacher wanted me to hare. On-site water got, after a while the teacher came, który przedstawił mnie oficjelomprzybiłem nawet piątkę z samym burmistrzem. Była też kolejna kontrola dokumentów przez kolejnego cywila przedstawiającego się jako policja. Ponieważ wszyscy wokół mnie byli wyluzowani to i ja przestałem się przejmować robieniem zdjęć mojej wizy.

Koniec końców przekazali mnie komuś odpowiedzialnemu za turystkę, kto pokazał mi kawałek miasta, zabrał na przepyszny obiad.

Baakak okazał się fajnym rozmówcą. Oprócz turystyki w Ahar wykładał architekturę na uniwersytecie w Tabriz. Łączenie etatów to klucz do powodzenia, tak wynikało nie tylko z jego wypowiedzi. Jego żona, której nie poznałem, za to wykładała agrokulturę i miała bardzo dobre zdanie o polskich traktorach Ursus. Poszliśmy też uruchomić mojej kartę SIM do Pana Buraka, bo mimo prób pomocy w urzędzie miasta nie chciała działać. Ten stwierdził, że będzie aktywna dopiero wieczorem, dostałem też kartkę z kodami, które należy wpisać tak aby aktywować internet.

Ponieważ Baakak uparł się, że zapłaci za te wszystkie pyszne rzeczy to obiecałem sobie, że następny posiłek kupię sobie sam. Do tej pory jedyną rzeczą, za którą zapłaciłem był batonik na granicyzapłaciłem za jeden a dostałem trzy.

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