Unfriendly face Armenia
He was the middle of the night. I was able to get in Stygian darkness to the Iranian border. Latest 30 I did smashed kilometers along the road through a mountain range, with an average 30 kilometers per hour. So elegant result was achieved only because, I caught a great hare – Persian bus, for which I drove in the dark. He stops, I inhibits. He turns, I turn off the. On the occasion of the beams me the way, so I slalom through the hole I had made. In addition to this fury, I passed maybe three other, so I was thankful way drivers, that appeared and helped me so beautifully.
I'm already on control “wriemiennego import”, passport and luggage also checked. In various places I hid in total 680 dollars, to this I am aware, that if you do not have demonstrated great cleverness and I can not get an agent to bypass this entry to Iran may not be possible. Before leaving, I established myself at this price limit operations: 200 dollars. Price broker was 500. In theory enter without a Carnet de Passage is impossible. In theory, the only way of avoiding having this booklet is an intermediary. On the other hand, I know, that there are people, who managed to enter for 80 dollars. Another for 150-200$. Must go.
– Now go to the customs agency to pay for the import wriemienny
– After all, it is paid! I paid the entrance
– We also pay on departure
the price is 21$. Trying to dim:
– I do not know if I have enough…
– Well, I do not know how you intend to pay customs agencies, Those who issue securities…
Small denominations rid themselves 21 dollars, and is sent to the next window. In my head I have only one: let me manage entry to Iran because the second time I'm not going to wrangle with the Armenian charges and immediately preparing to increase its price cap. I do not know whether the customs agent saw something in my eyes, or I not heard, I have to pay something. I got papers for free.
To bring to such a state filled me 24 hours. Mój stan wiedzy na temat biurokracji w Armenii był taki, that while cars pay some gruesome money, This motorcyclists enter for free, no, can someone must take ichniejsze OC (green card does not work) for some 8 dollars. After leaving Georgia was efficient fast clash with reality: przemili customs officers sent me to some kanciapy, to a customs agent import document prepared me. The whole border is a few ramshackle house, i, and how, Two barriers. Entry to the border and traveled with border. To make admission should deal with customs paper. Wyjazd – with a set of stamps.
Agency workers were two: Oldest let young, orżnął happened to me. I pretended complete dumbness, and really corner of my eye I watched the older, it has served some Georgian. A ten, She gave him 10 run. Not quite understanding why me this agency, I heard, I have to leave 30 Euro agent. And then I found out, I have to go upstairs and pay again “in the bank”. I gave it to him 10 run, that I have been in your wallet and told, I'm going to pay the bank card.
– But there card does not work
– Something's come up
Young came out behind me, So your steps directed to the senior guest at the border. Young kept a distance and began observations.
– What is the procedure with you?
When I learned everything, I already knew, that customs agents can I jump. Although publican, He has denied the price for their service, but he did such a great eye, it was all clear. The young like me I wandered, but if you do not talk to me, no to go ignorowałem. Probably he got a scolding for it in kanciapie, but that was not my issue. Congestion cleared me 15 dollars. At the end I waved all friendships, second I crossed the barrier and found, it is already dark. I went without conviction that shelters guests traders insurance.
– Brat, give me!
The boy was really nice.
– Maybe cake, necessarily take a watermelon, coffee you want?
Only with the OC wanted 40 dollars. I did not want to leave. My bargaining position weakened, because the shack filled up his neighbors. After a few minutes the question was asked:
– Brat,and where you will sleep?
– I do not know, a hotel I can not afford. Where is the tent can break?
– The wolves will eat you here! Sleep in one of our budget. To 35$ dollars will OC and sleeping!
This is the moment. When we begin to leave alone the price is known, the rest is bullshit. No less, I broke even 5$ dollars, and as if negotiations stopped.
– Good guys, and I just pulled a very tasty Polish vodka? Such certainly never drunk.
– Show
The board entered Cherry Soplica, I had bought in duty-free for some pennies. After the first sip, the price dropped to 15$ dollars and we were colleagues. Jackdaw, cookie, arbuzik and kirsch were very tasty compositions – like this a nice way to spend an evening and then went to sleep on the designated headquarters.
Następnego dnia trafiła mnie kontrola drogowa. Na wideoradarze, naprawdę przemili panowie policjanci pokazali mi prędkość, którą osiągnęła moja tenera. 102 kilometry na godzinę. Wpadłem w lekką panikę, bo nawet nie wiedziałem czy to był teren zabudowany czy też nie. Gość, który ze mną gadał był tak miły, że prawie dałem się nabrać, że nie da się nic zrobić. Dopóki nie wyciągnął taryfikatora i nie pokazał mi, że przekroczenie prędkości o 12 kilometrów na godzinę kosztuje jakieś tryliardy miejscowej waluty, czyli z 40 dollars. Ten “taryfikator” to było wymięte ksero jakieś tabelki, więc tu dał mi znak, że to są żarty. Trwało to z pół godziny, były wszystkie ściemy świata, łącznie z tą, że nigdy, nigdzie nie zapłaciłem mandatu. Nawet chciałem się złamać i dać mu 5 dollars, ale nagle wpadłem na genialny pomysł.
– Dam Ci super złotą monetę
– Show
No to pokazałem mu monetę, którą dostałem swego czasu na Orlenie za zatankowanie 20 litrów paliwa. Na rewersie jakiś Junak czy inna Osa. Sęp jeden poszedł na konsultacje do radiowozu i wrócił z informacją, że jak dam dwie, to jednak nie będzie bumagi i da się to jakoś skasować z videoradaru. I dalej był bardzo miły. Dałem mu drugą i naprawdę byłem zły. Nie o to, że chcieli kasę, nie o to, że zabrali te monety. Oto, że próbowali mnie orznąć z takim miłym uśmiechem na ustach.