Safe course
Since a few days I go to the technical course motoszkole in a reminder I will try to describe in words the course safe.
Teacher repeated several times, that his course contains elements of Swedish course for motorcycle rides rightY. The program included education falling (rather resorting to the motorcycle) at parking speeds – Unfortunately, with the number of reps you can rather be regarded as a curiosity, because surely after two attempts on each side no student has not acquired the appropriate habits – and a whole set of exercises for shunting. Very tight turning circles, szerokie slaloms, recycle 'garage'. The whole was to have mastered driving on the coupling half, good work the clutch and rear brake. The gas may be permanent. And, of course, balancing the body. Time for practical trials was large enough, that all students caught what was going on.
There was also an introduction to przeciwskrętu – Unfortunately, bad luck caused, that during a demonstration journey performed by the instructor, directing scored small slides, so students, slightly scared, reluctantly bent motorcycle cornering.
The coolest and most difficult practical attempt was linked to the inhibition of overtaking obstacles. It was necessary to disperse motorcycle, slow down and evade indicated at the last minute (poprzez wyznaczenie kierunku) przeszkodę. Wszystko na czas. Trudne i pobudzające wyobraznie.
Słabszym elementem kursu były tematy teoretyczne – szczególnie o ubiorze motocyklowym i pierwszej pomocy. Wiedza nie wykraczała poza to co można z łatwością znaleźć na forach internetowych czy dowiedzieć się w każdym rozsądnym sklepie motocyklowym. Teorie ratowało omówienie błędów z kultowej książki “Motocyklista doskonały” oraz dobry catering. 😉
Był też marketing pt: “Wiemy, ale teraz (dużo) nie powiemy, bo to jest na kursie technicznym” – jak widać po moim przykładzie to skuteczna metoda zachęcania do kontynuowania nauki w motoszkole.
Czy warto?
Myślę, że tak. During the course I had one thousand kilometers run over the first in the life of a motorcycle. systematized knowledge, I learned to maneuver a motorcycle that later helped me to fight traffic jams in Warsaw and encouraged to learn przeciwskrętu. I especially recommend this to everyone, who did the driving license “the standard” driving school – where eight slalom and gets “without gas”, in the city runs four hours after the route exam and the instructor mainly from burning butts buddies.
The school has a good reputation – terms are clinched on several weeks ahead.